السلام عليكم
انا اسمى محمود من الدعم الفنى لانستا فوركس واصبحت مندوب رسمى للشركة فى المنتديات العربية
وتحت امركم للاجابه على اى استفسار او سؤال بخصوص الشركة
وايضا ان شاء الله هانزل اخر اخبار عروض ومسابقات الشركة
السلام عليكم
انا اسمى محمود من الدعم الفنى لانستا فوركس واصبحت مندوب رسمى للشركة فى المنتديات العربية
وتحت امركم للاجابه على اى استفسار او سؤال بخصوص الشركة
وايضا ان شاء الله هانزل اخر اخبار عروض ومسابقات الشركة
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
مميزات انستا فوركس
- حاصلة على افضل بروكر فى اسيا لعام 2009
- متوفر بها حسابات اسلامية
- حد ادنى لفتح الحساب 1$ فقط
- رافعة مالية حتى 1000:1 (مفيدة لتجار الاسكابلنج)
- تقبل الايداع والسحب من والى جميع البنوك الالكترونية
- سرعة كبيرة فى تنفيذ عمليات السحب عن طريق البنوك الالكترونية (حد اقصى 8 ساعات)
- دعم فنى 24 ساعة
- بونص 30% على اى ايداع
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
الجوائز التى حصلت عليها انستا فوركس
- افضل شركة وساطة فى اسيا لعام 2009 من مجلة World Finance
- افضل شركة وساطة فى اسيا من Show** Asia
- افضل شركة وساطة فى روسيا من Show** World
لمزيد من التفاصيل حول الجوائز اضغط هنا
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
هل استطيع ان اجعل الرافعة المالية 1:600 وراس مالى 100 دولار فقط فانا اعشق الاسكالبينج واعمل به فهل استطيع؟؟؟
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
ده يتوقف على ادارتك لراس المال ان كنت تحتاج رافعة عالية او منخفضة
فأذا كنت ستتبع ادارة راس مال صارمة لن يكون هناك حاجة لرافعة عالية ويكفى رافعة 200:1
ام كنت ستدخل صفقات مخاطرة عالية فأكيد هتحتاج رافعة عالية
انت الذى يجب ان تحدد مايناسبك وطبع المخاطرة العالية مع مبلغ 100 دولار معناه خطورة عالية جدا ولاقدر الله ممكن تخسره فى صفقات بسيطة
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.