BITCOIN buy ☺: Let us first begin by defining what is the fabrication and who invented it? Bettkin is a new type of currency or money. A digital currency is based on cryptography. It is also a decentralized currency. No one controls it other than its users. They are the ones who make it and use it without the need for an intermediary or censor like a government or a bank like other currencies in the world. In 2008, a person named Satoshi Nakamoto published a study explaining how to design and how to make a prototype. In 2009, Satoshi launched the World Wide Web. 2- Is it possible to use the buy-in to buy and sell services? Of course, you can use the beta to sell and buy what you want. There are thousands of sites and e-shops that deal with the development and are growing daily and there are also shops, hotels and restaurants around the world dealing with the development. 47503[PHP][/PHP]