View Full Version : الخطابات و التقارير الاخبارية

ilyes chaieb
09-06-2014, 16:51
من فضلكم لا اريد ردود شكر
خلو الموضوع نظيف
و مرتب

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركـــــــــاته

للمهتمين بالاخبار
سبق و ان طرحنا موضوع النتائج الاخبارية الرقمية (http://forex-masr.com/showthread.php?88788-*-متجدد-متابعة-نتائج-المؤشرات-الاقتصادية-اول-باول-*)
و في هذا الموضوع سوف نقوم بادراج التقارير و الخطابات الصادرة عن البنوك المركزية

سوف نهتم بعملات معينة و هـــــــــى كلاتى:

EUR : من منطقة اليورو
CAD : الدولار الكندى
GBP :البــــاوند
USD : الدولار الامريكى
AUD : الدولار الاسترالي

مواعيد الاخبار بتاريخه و ساعته حسب توقيت منصة انستافوركس

سأضع لكم فهرس شهري لمواعيد الاخبار
* بعد نزول الخبر سأدرج لكم التقرير كما ورد؛مع وضع خلاصة لاهم ما جاء فيها.
_من فضلكم من له رأي ايجابي و نقاش جاد فاليتفضل به_

و ان شاء الله ربي يوفقنا لما فيه الخـــــــير

ilyes chaieb
09-06-2014, 16:52
فهرس شهر 9
من 1/9 الى 30/9
2/9 الساعة 7:30
تقرير بيان نسبة الفائدة لبنك الاحتياطى استراليا
3/9 الساعة 6:20
خطاب رئيس بنك الاحتياطي من أستراليا
16/9 الساعة 4:30
محضر اجتماع السياسة النقدية

5/9 الساعة 3:15
خطاب فيشر- عضو اللجنة الفيدرالية للسوق المفتوحة
5/9 الساعة 4:00
حديث كوشر لاكوتا عضو اللجنة الفيدرالية للسوق المفتوحة
6/9 الساعة 17:15
حديث بلوسر عضو اللجنة الفيدرالية للسوق المفتوحة
8/9 الساعة 15:45
خطابات وزير الخزانة السيد ليو

3/9 الساعة 17:00
محافظ بنك كندا المركزي بولوز يتكلم

9/9 الساعة 11:30
رئيس بنك انجلترا كارني يتحدث
10/9 الساعة 16:45
جلسة تقرير التضخم
25/9 الساعة 15:30
حديث محافظ البنك مارك كارنى
4/9 الساعة 15:30
المؤتمر الصحفي للبنك المركزي الاوروبي

2/9 الساعة 7:30
تقرير بيان نسبة الفائدة لبنك الاحتياطى استراليا

At its meeting today, the Board decided to leave the cash rate unchanged at 2.5 per cent. Growth in the global economy is continuing at a moderate pace. China's growth remains generally in line with policymakers' objectives, with weakening property markets a challenge in the near term. Commodity prices in historical terms remain high, but some of those important to Australia have declined this year. Financial conditions overall remain very accommodative. Long-term interest rates and risk spreads remain very low. Volatility in many financial prices is currently unusually low. Markets appear to be attaching a very low probability to any rise in global interest rates or other adverse event over the period ahead. In Australia, the most recent survey data indicate gradually improving business conditions and some recovery in household sentiment after a weaker period around mid year, suggesting moderate growth in the economy is occurring. Resources sector investment spending is starting to decline significantly. Investment intentions in some other sectors continue to improve, though these areas of ******* spending are expected to see only moderate growth in the near term. Public spending is scheduled to be subdued. Overall, the Bank still expects growth to be a little below trend over the year ahead. The recorded rate of unemployment has increased recently, despite some improvement in most other indicators for the labour market this year. The Bank's assessment remains that the labour market has a degree of spare capacity and that it will probably be some time yet before unemployment declines consistently. Growth in wages has declined noticeably and is expected to remain relatively modest over the period ahead, which should keep inflation consistent with the target even with lower levels of the exchange rate. Monetary policy remains accommodative. Interest rates are very low and have continued to edge lower over recent months as competition to lend has increased. Investors continue to look for higher returns in response to low rates on safe instruments. Credit growth has picked up a little, including most recently to businesses. The increase in dwelling prices continues. The exchange rate, on the other hand, remains above most estimates of its fundamental value, particularly given the declines in key commodity prices. It is offering less assistance than would normally be expected in achieving balanced growth in the economy. Looking ahead, continued accommodative monetary policy should provide support to demand and help growth to strengthen over time. Inflation is expected to be consistent with the 2–3 per cent target over the next two years.

In the Board's judgement, monetary policy is appropriately configured to foster sustainable growth in demand and inflation outcomes consistent with the target.
On present indications, the most prudent course is likely to be a period of stability in interest rates.
اهم ما جاء في البيان
ان البنك ثبت سعر الفائدة عند سعر 2,5 دون تغيير
و اشار البنك ان هناك تحسن في ظروف العمل و بعض الانتعاش على مستوى مؤشر ثقة المستهلك بعد فترة الضعف خلال منتصف العام
و قال ايضا ان تقليص نسبة البطالة يحتاج لبعض الوقت على الرغم من تحسن بعض المؤشرات..
من المتوقع ان تكون نسبة التظحم خلال العامين المقبلين في حدود 2_3%

3/9 الساعة 6:20
خطاب رئيس بنك الاحتياطي الاسترالي

Thank you for the invitation to visit Adelaide.
As you know the Reserve Bank Board met here yesterday and decided to leave the cash rate unchanged. The statement issued after the meeting gave the reasoning for the decision, in the usual concise fashion. Today I will give some broader remarks about the global and domestic economies and financial conditions.
The global economy has continued its expansion this year. Estimates for global growth are running at about 3¼–3½ per cent. This is a bit better than the 2013 outcome and close to, albeit a little below, the three-decade average, which is 3.6 per cent. We are now in September, so unless something pretty dramatic happens soon in one of the large economies, those estimates should be a pretty accurate guide to the annual outcomes.
For Australia's particular group of trading partners, weighted by export shares, growth is running at about 4½ per cent, which is somewhat above the 30-year average. This strength reflects the continued increase in the weight of China as a destination for exports. Even though China is growing more slowly than it used to – at a mere 7½ per cent this year – the fact that its growth is so much stronger than most others combines with its increased weight to push up the weighted-average growth of our trading partner group.
The determined pessimists among us will see the increased weight of China as a concern: what if something goes wrong and the Chinese economy experiences a sharp slowing in growth? In fact this is a question that could be put for most economies now – nearly 50 economies, including the United States, European Union, Japan, Russia and Canada, now have China as their number 1 or 2 trading partner. The full ramifications of the continuing rise in the weight of China's economy and, in time, its financial system in world affairs will be the topic for numerous lengthy books. But in short, the whole world is now more dependent on China than it was.
For today, probably the most important point to note is that the near-term task of the Chinese authorities is to manage the desired slowing in credit growth and moderation in asset values. Housing prices are falling in many Chinese cities at present. This is not unprecedented – it is the third time in the past decade this has occurred. (Yes, house prices can fall, even in China.) This area – the asset price and credit nexus – is the one to watch, more than the monthly
exports or PMIs and so on.

رابط التقرير كاملا (http://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2014/sp-gov-030914.html)
اهم ما جاء بالبيان
أسهم قطاع التصدير ينمو بحوالى 4 نصف في المائة (4½ )، وهو أعلى معدل منذ 30 عاما ,
وقال Glenn Stevens مشيرا الى ان العالم كله اكثر اعتماد على الصين مبينا
ما يقارب 50 من الاقتصاديات بما فيهم الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الأوروبي واليابان وروسيا وكندا..
في حين الاقتصاد الصينى يشهد تباطء حاد في النمو الاقتصادى
وربما النقطة الأكثر أهمية, نلاحظ أن مهمة على المدى القريب من السلطات الصينية لإدارة تباطؤ في نمو الائتمان المطلوب والاعتدال في قيم الأصول

ilyes chaieb
09-07-2014, 00:49

3/9 الساعة 17:00
محافظ بنك كندا المركزي بولوز يتكلم

The Bank of Canada today announced that it is maintaining its target for the overnight rate at 1 per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 1 1/4 per cent and the deposit rate is 3/4 per cent.

Inflation is close to the 2 per cent target and is evolving as the Bank anticipated in its July Monetary Policy Report (MPR). Recent data reinforce the Bank’s view that the earlier pickup in inflation was attributable to the temporary effects of higher energy prices, exchange rate pass-through, and other sector-specific factors rather than to any change in domestic economic fundamentals.

The global economy is performing largely as expected. The recovery in Europe appears to be faltering as the situation in Ukraine weighs on confidence. In the United States, a solid recovery seems to be back on track, with business investment now making a significant contribution to growth. Global financial conditions remain very stimulative and longer-term bond yields have eased even further.

In Canada, stronger growth in the second quarter has brought GDP to almost exactly the level the Bank had projected in July's MPR. Canadian exports surged in the second quarter after a weak winter, supported notably by stronger U.S. investment spending and the past depreciation of the Canadian dollar. While an increasing number of export sectors appear to be turning the corner toward recovery, this pickup will need to be sustained before it will translate into higher business investment and hiring. Meanwhile, activity in the housing market has been stronger than anticipated. The Bank still expects excess capacity in the economy to be absorbed during the next two years.

Overall, the risks to the outlook for inflation remain roughly balanced, while the risks associated with household imbalances have not diminished. The balance of these risks is still within the zone for which the current stance of monetary policy is appropriate and therefore the target for the overnight rate remains at 1 per cent. The Bank remains neutral with respect to the next change to the policy rate: its timing and direction will depend on how new information influences the outlook and assessment of risks.

اهم ما جاء في التقرير
تم الاعلان على ان البنك حافظ على هدفعة بالنسبة لسعر الفائدة عند 1%
و سعر الفائدة على الوادع هو 3/4%
و ذكر ان التظخم بالقرب من 2% كما هو متوقع منخلال تقرير السياسة النقدية (MPR) ليليو تموز
كما ان عددا متزايد من قطاعات التصدير تتجه نحو التعاااافى

4/9 الساعة 15:30
المؤتمر الصحفي للبنك المركزي الاوروبي

فيــــــــديو الخطاب

اهم ما جاء في الخطاب
قرر مجلس الادارة خفض سعر الفائدة ب10 نقاط لتصبح عند معدل 0,05%
سعر الفائدة على تسهيلات الإقراض الهامشي بمقدار 10 نقطة لتصبح 0,30%
تم ايضا تخفيض سعر الفائدة على تسهيلات الودائع بنسبة 10 نقطةلتصصبح -0.20٪
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قرر مجلس الإدارة في بدء شراء أصول القطاع الخاص غير المالية.

5/9 الساعة 3:15
خطاب فيشر- عضو اللجنة الفيدرالية للسوق المفتوحة

نص الخطاب

اهم ماجاء في الخطاب
تصريحات امام الغرفة التجارية الامريكية & الهندية
جاء فيها السيد فيشر مبينا ان العلاقة بين امريكا و الهند كبيــــــــرة
و انه الوقت لتعزيز علاقات العمل

5/9 الساعة 4:00
حديث كوشر لاكوتا عضو اللجنة الفيدرالية للسوق المفتوحة

This basic federalist structure has a long history. In fact, this year is the centennial of the ****ing of the 12 Reserve Banks and the start of the work undertaken by the Federal Reserve System. It’s been a fascinating hundred years, with many twists and turns along the way. I’m sure that many of you have questions about that journey. The answers to all of your questions—and probably more—are on a website that the Fed has created at federalreservehistory.org. I encourage you to visit this site to learn more about the people, places and events that have shaped Federal Reserve history. I’d especially encourage you to look up Norman Holter. Mr. Holter was one of the original directors of the Minneapolis Reserve Bank, and he played the key role in a branch office being established here in Helena in 1921.
I’ve always enjoyed reading and studying history. And I strongly believe that history can help inform policymakers’ decisions in the current day. But, at the same time, I do think that policymakers need to be careful in how they use history. The monetary history of the 1970s is a great example of this need for care. I’m sure that some of you in this room remember that inflation—the rate of growth of prices—rose to disturbingly high levels in the 1970s. Faced with this challenge, President Ford launched a national campaign to “Whip Inflation Now”—WIN for short. The famous Broadway composer Meredith Willson wrote a song for the WIN campaign in which he summarized the economic situation in these catchy lyrics: “Who needs inflation? Not this nation! Who’s going to pass it by? You are and so am I!”
Mr. Willson’s pithy characterization was spot on in 1974. But 40 years later, I would suggest that it’s exactly backward. Right now, this nation needs more inflation. The Federal Reserve aims to keep the personal consumption expenditure (PCE) inflation rate at 2 percent. But since the start of the recession almost seven years ago, the PCE inflation rate has averaged 1.5 percent. Over the past year, it has averaged 1.6 percent. And I expect it to remain below 2 percent until 2018.
The persistently below-target inflation rate is a signal that the U.S. economy is not taking advantage of all of its available resources. If demand were sufficiently high to generate 2 percent, then demand would be sufficiently high to allow the economy to make use of the underutilized resources. And the most important of those resources is the American people. There are many people in this country who want to work more hours, and our society is deprived of their production.
So, it’s fun and educational to read about the 1970s on the Fed history gateway. I encourage you to do so. But it’s critical for monetary policymakers like myself to realize that the times, and challenges, that we face are different from the ones that Mr. Willson wrote about back in 1974.
Thanks again for coming tonight. And now let’s turn to your questions.

اهم ما جاء في الحديث
يهدف مجلس الاحتياطي الاتحادي للحفاظ على معدل التضخم الإنفاق الاستهلاكي الشخصي (PCE) عند 2%.
ولكن منذ بداية الركود الاقتصادي قبل سبع سنوات تقريبا،
بلغ متوسط ​​معدل التضخم نفقات الاستهلاك الشخصي 1.5 %.
خلال العام الماضي، قد بلغ ​​1.6 %.
و قد اشار المتحدث بانه يتوقع أن تظل أقل من 2 % حتى عام 2018.

ilyes chaieb
09-08-2014, 02:34
6/9 الساعة 17:15
حديث بلوسر عضو اللجنة الفيدرالية للسوق المفتوحة


The Economic Outlook

Presented by Charles I. Plosser (http://www.philadelphiafed.org/about-the-fed/senior-executives/plosser/), President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers' 137th Annual Convention
Amelia Island, FL
September 6, 2014

President Charles Plosser gives his views on the economy and shares some thoughts about the stance of monetary policy.

President Plosser believes that forward guidance should be adjusted to reflect economic realities and to give the FOMC the flexibility to respond gradually to the evolution of the economy.

President Plosser counters the view that rates cannot be raised because the labor market has not "completely" healed. He discusses two major risks with this strategy. First, economists do not know what maximum employment is and cannot easily measure it. Second, waiting until we are completely confident the labor market has fully recovered risks that monetary policy will be behind the curve and could lead to a return to abrupt "go-stop" policies of the past that led to unwelcome volatility.

While he is not suggesting that rates should necessarily be increased now, President Plosser sees that the first task is to change the language and to begin signaling that liftoff may occur sooner than many now anticipate and sooner than suggested by the current FOMC guidance.


To summarize, my own forecast is positive. Second-quarter growth has rebounded, confirming that the disappointing performance in the first quarter was mostly weather related rather than a retrenchment to the ongoing recovery.Unemployment continues to improve more quickly than many had expected, and inflation appears to be drifting up toward our 2 percent goal. If monetary policy is to be truly data dependent, then our stance of policy must begin to change. I'm not suggesting a rate increase now, but changing the forward guidance would at least afford us the flexibility to gradually raise rates beginning earlier than currently anticipated.Waiting too long to begin raising rates — especially waiting until we have fully met our goals for maximum employment — is risky because we cannot know when we have arrived. That could also put monetary policy behind the curve and could lead to a return to abrupt go-stop policies that in the past led to unwelcome

رابط التقريرhttp://www.philadelphiafed.org/publications/speeches/plosser/2014/09-06-14-pacb.cfm

اهم ماجاء في الحديث
اشار بلوسر ان توقعاته اجابية
و ان النمو الاقتصادية خلال الربع الثانى من العام قد تحسن
كما اوضح ايضا ان نسبة البطالة في تحسن بنسبة اكبر مما هو متوقعك
كما اكد انه لابد الانتظار فترة طويلة للبدء برفع نسبة الفائدة

8/9 الساعة 15:45
خطابات وزير الخزانة السيد ليو

Inversion decision to come in 'very near future': Lew

Published: Sept 8, 2014 8:45 a.m. ET

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said on Monday the Obama administration will make a decision on policy about corporate tax inversions "in the very near future." Speaking at the Urban Institute in Washington, Lew reiterated a call for Congress to pass legislation to discourage inversions but said the administration recognizes lawmakers may not move quickly. Lew said in prepared remarks the Treasury is finishing a study of how to make inversion deals "less economically appealing." Lawmakers including Sen. Charles Schumer of New York are preparing anti-inversion legislation, but analysts don't expect passage before the November elections.

قال وزير الخازنة جاكوب ليو ان ادارة اوباما ستتخذ القرار في المستقبل القريب جداا بشأن سياسة تراجع ضريبة الشركات


9/9 الساعة 11:30

رئيس بنك انجلترا كارني يتحدث

President and Congress.
It is a pleasure to be in Liverpool today to discuss the prospects for the UK labour market.
The growth and distribution of jobs and incomes matter to everyone.
Employment does much more than provide the means to support workers and their families; it is essential to
personal fulfilment and human dignity.
Part of that dignity is being paid a living wage.
Over the past year, the Bank of England has ensured th
at its pays all of its 3,600 staff at least the living
And we have recently brought all our contracted service staff in central London up to the London living wage.
We are in the process of our final review. But I can announce today the Bank’s intention to become an
accredited Living Wage employer by the time of the next TUC conference.
Of course, the Bank of England’s responsibilities for
promoting the good of the people of the United Kingdom
go much further than being a responsible employer.
We manage monetary policy to achieve price stability: low, stable and predictable inflation.
And we promote financial stability by regulating and supervising financial institutions as well as by taking
targeted actions to insure against unsustainable indebtedness, as we did earlier this year for the housing
By maintaining price and financial stability we put in
place the foundations for sustainable job creation and
income growth.
Stability gives workers the confidence to invest in skill
s or to change jobs. And it gives firms the confidence
to hire new workers, invest in new equipment, introduce new products and pursue new markets. We need
workers with the right skills. And we need companies taking strategic initiatives to grow productivity. That
productivity is needed to secure real wage increases over the medium term.
And as I will explain, the labour market is central to our decisions – decisions which must take into account
both short-term fluctuations and the profound changes sweeping labour markets across advanced

رابط الخطابhttp://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Documents/speeches/2014/speech754.pdf

اهم ما جاء في الحديث
بين المتحدث ان نمو الوضائف و الدخل الفردي امر يهم الجميع
و ان ادارة السياسة النقدية تسعى لتحقيق استقرار الاسعار
و تعزيز الاستقرار المالي من خلال التنظيم والإشراف على المؤسسات المالية وكذلك من خلال اتخاذ
الإجراءات المستهدفة لضمان ضد المديونية
من خلال الحفاظ على الأسعار والاستقرار المالي
ساعين لخلق فرص العمل و
نمو الدخل.

10/9 الساعة 16:45
جلسة تقرير التضخم

فيديو الجلسة

اهم ما جاء بالحديث
قال مارك كارنى ان للبنك خطط طارئة في حال انفصال اسكتلندا عن منطقة الباوند البريطانى
كما صرح ايضا ان رفع معدلات الفائدة ستكون في شهر فبراير لسنة 2015
و الحديث في مجمله ايجــــــــــــــابى

ilyes chaieb
09-08-2014, 08:02
صبببببببببببببببببببببببب اح الخير
شكرا اخي الفاضل في المجهود المبذول في الترجمه وتلخيص الاخبالر وعرضها عل الاعضاء
لاستفادة منها
م ما جاء في البيان
ان البنك ثبت سعر الفائدة عند سعر 2,5 دون تغيير
و اشار البنك ان هناك تحسن في ظروف العمل و بعض الانتعاش على مستوى مؤشر ثقة المستهلك بعد فترة الضعف خلال منتصف العام
و قال ايضا ان تقليص نسبة البطالة يحتاج لبعض الوقت على الرغم من تحسن بعض المؤشرات..
من المتوقع ان تكون نسبة التظحم خلال العامين المقبلين في حدود 2_3%

:yahoo:حقيقي كلام رائع وحقائق اقتصاديه مثبته

اكيد انت داخل العنوان غلط
موضوعي لا يتم فيه النسخ او الكلام الفاضى
يلا اعمل تعديل على مشاركتك و احذفها و الا ستأصل بالادارة و هى تتصرف معاك

ilyes chaieb
09-09-2014, 16:29
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالي وبركاته
أخي الكريم والعزيز أشكرك على هذا الموضوع" الخطابات و التقارير الاخبارية " جزاك الله خيراً وشكر

حتى اكون صريح معك
انت متزفزة جدا
بذمته دى مشاركة حاطتلى عنوان الموضوع مع شكرا لك اخى العزيز

ارجوا من الادارة حدف هذه المشاركات من موضوعى
لان هذا راح يشوه الموضوع و ممكن ماكملش فيه

---------- Post added 09-09-2014 at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was 09-08-2014 at 11:16 PM ----------

حديث محافظ البنك البريطانى
http://forex-masr.com/showthread.php?107533-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D8%B7%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%88-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AE%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%8A%D 8%A9&p=4027753&viewfull=1#post4027753

09-09-2014, 17:44
مشكور على هذه الاخبار
وانشالله التوفيق للجميع لكن لم افهم بعد كيفية عمل المنتدى و لهذا ارجو المساعدة

09-10-2014, 11:11
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
شكرا لكم على هذه المعلومات ونتمنى المزيد
والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

ilyes chaieb
09-10-2014, 15:12
مشكور على هذه الاخبار
وانشالله التوفيق للجميع لكن لم افهم بعد كيفية عمل المنتدى و لهذا ارجو المساعدة

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
شكرا لكم على هذه المعلومات ونتمنى المزيد
والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

من فظلكم يا جماعة الردود السلبية دى بتاخذ مكان من الموضوع
يا ريت نحترم بعض شوية مش معقول و الله

ilyes chaieb
09-26-2014, 08:14
25/9 الساعة 15:30
حديث محافظ البنك مارك كارنى

It is an honour to be invi
ted to address you today.
Insurance is at the core of the new Bank of England.
As regulator, we are tasked with ensuring the safety and soundness of the UK’s insurance companies and
the protection of their policyholders. To discharge these
responsibilities, we draw on the entire resources of
the Bank.
Fully one third of our regulatory staff – over 200 supervisors and 50 actuaries – are engaged in supervising
insurance companies. But that is just the start.
Our supervisors are supported by hundreds of credit risk analysts, scores of monetary policy experts and
macro-financial analysts.
As a central bank with responsibilities for both monetary and financial stability, we have a view of both the
asset and liability sides of your balance sheets.
And as a highly active participant in global financial
reform, we influence the measures that are reshaping the
global system.
In all of our actions, we recognise the importance of insurance to the economy. The UK insurance industry
makes a major, direct contribution: £25bn to annual GDP and 300,000 high-paying jobs including many of
the 14,000 members of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries. It is a major exporter with about 30% of
premiums earned overseas. And the Lloyd’s market underlines London’s status as a world centre for
insurance excellence and innovation.
But the economic contribution of insurance goes much deeper. By spreading and managing risks, it
increases the resilience of corporations, investors and financial institutions. It makes entrepreneurship and
trade more viable. And it safeguards companies and individuals from perils they could not otherwise
From a financial system perspective, insurance companies play a vital role in the efficient allocation of
*******. By matching long-term savings and investmen
t, it finances the infrastructure essential to build our
economy. The long-term perspective of insurance companies diversifies the financial system and reinforces
رابط التقرير http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Documents/speeches/2014/speech757.pdf.
اهم ما جاء في الحديث
مساهمة صناعة التأمين في المملكة المتحدة تلعب دور هام و كبير بحوالى 25 مليار استرلينى في الناتج المحلى الاجملي السنوى
و 300 الف وظيفة برواتب كبيرة
و التأمينات هى المصدر الرئيسي مع حوالي 30% من اقساط التأمين الكتسبة من الخارج
و هذا و قد ذكر انه من المتوقع ان يرفع البنك في نسبة الفائدة

10-11-2014, 23:39
لسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ,,
مشكوووور عالموضوع اخي الكريم وبالتوفيق للجميع
جزاك الله عنا كل خير
تقبل مروري

07-29-2015, 01:46
موضوعك التقارير الاخباريه فعلا جميل جدا وليس عليه غبار
وفعلا كل الشكر لك اخي على هذه الافادة التي ستفيد الكثير منا منهم المبتدئن خصوصا
ويجب عليهم ان يستفيدو منها جيداا
الف شكرا للشرح الوافى و الجميل
وجزاك الله الف خير انت واعضاء منتدى فوركس العرب