View Full Version : استراتيجية رائعة : استراتيجية فوركس ناجحة للمبتدئين

09-05-2016, 01:31
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
اقدم لكم اليوم استراتيجية رائعة : استراتيجية فوركس ناجحة للمبتدئين


09-05-2016, 02:31
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته
اشكرك اخى الفاضل على هذه الاستراتيجية و على الفيديو المتميز وعلى المعلومات القيمة و المفيدة
واتمنى لك الكثير من المعلومات و المشاركات المفيدة لنا وللجميع
بارك الله فيك

09-08-2016, 14:58
InstaForex Company hopes to make your way to it smoother with the help of the following recommendations
Your success on Forex does not depend but on your experience and emotional stability. However, InstaForex Company hopes to make your way to it smoother with the help of the following recommendations.1. Go for the basics
First of all, one should acquire profound knowledge of financial markets and technical analysis, to realize the laws according to which Forex functions and how to make profit on it.

2. Start with a demo account
Starting trading on real accounts straight away does not help to obtain the abovementioned knowledge. While you are busy learning the basics, your ******* is literally melting due to your lack of experience. You have a great opportunity to train your strategies on a demo account for a month or more. It is impossible to become a professional trader at once.

3. Get to know trading instruments
Before beginning work on the market, you should thoroughly examine the technical characteristics of the trading platform you chose and make everything clear. It will then help you to save much time and money.