View Full Version : Stop loss and take profit

05-28-2017, 00:16
Setting a stop loss is a way to limit your risk.
You decide upfront what your maximum loss
could be by choosing the stop loss rate. If the
market reaches that rate, your deal will be
automatically closed. Since you are the person
setting the rate, you are in control of your
Setting a take profit rate works in the same way.
You decide on a desirable profit amount and
your deal is automatically closed when the
profit rate you have chosen is reached. Using
a take profit rate helps you to control your
trading without having to continuously monitor
your position.

05-28-2017, 00:49
___بسم____الله____الرحمن_____الرح يم___

والصلات ___والسلام____على ((رسول الله)) صلى الله ____عليه (((وسلم)))

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