View Full Version : Types of orders

05-28-2017, 00:17
You can decide to **** a day trade, limit order
or forward order.
A day trade, also known as a market order,
is an order to buy or sell at the best available
price. This type of order is typically executed
A limit order is an order to **** a day trade
deal at a rate that you have pre-defined
when and if the market reaches that rate.
The limit order will remain pending (i.e.
waiting to be turned into a day trade) until
the market reaches that rate, or the time
expires. It has the usual features of a day
trade, including a margin requirement.
A forward order is an **** trade with a
value date greater than the spot value date.
It has the usual features of a day trade,
including a margin requirement.

05-28-2017, 00:27
___بسم____الله____الرحمن_____الرح يم___

والصلات ___والسلام____على ((رسول الله)) صلى الله ____عليه (((وسلم)))

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