View Full Version : Physical Flows

05-28-2017, 23:26
Physical flows are important to watch, as they represent the underlying
changes in actual physical investment activity. These flows shift in
response to changes in each country’s financial health and growth opportunities.
Changes in local laws that encourage foreign investment also serve
to promote physical flows. For example, due to China’s entry into the WorldTrade Organization (WTO), its foreign investment laws have been relaxed.
As a result of its cheap labor and attractive revenue opportunities (population
of over 1 billion), corporations globally have flooded China with investments.
From an ** perspective, in order to fund investments in China,
foreign corporations need to sell their local currency and buy Chinese renminbi

05-28-2017, 23:35
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله اود ان اشكرك اخي الكريم لطرحك لهذا الموضوع وفقك الله ووفق الجميع وتقبل مروري وشكرا بارك الله فيك

05-28-2017, 23:57
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله اود ان اشكرك
اخي الكريم لطرحك لهذا الموضوع

hanane hanane
06-08-2017, 20:36
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته والصلاة والسلام على اشرف الانبياء والمرسلين
معلومات مفيدة باذن الله شرح مميز
شكرا أخي و بارك الله لك