View Full Version : What Moves the Currency Market in the Long Term? 41

05-28-2017, 23:27
with the U.S. dollar (against the deutsche mark) between 1994 and 1999.
In addition, from 1991 to 1999 the Dow increased 300 percent, while
the U.S. dollar index appreciated nearly 30 percent for the same time
period. As a result, currency traders closely followed the global equity
markets in an effort to predict short-term and intermediate-term equitybased
******* flows. However, this relationship has shifted since the tech
bubble burst in the United States, as foreign investors remained relatively
risk-averse, causing a lower correlation between the performance of the
U.S. equity market and the U.S. dollar. Nevertheless, a relationship does
still exist, making it important for all traders to keep an eye on global
market performances in search of intermarket opportunities

05-28-2017, 23:36

على تعبك ومجهودك فىالشرح وشكرا
انااتمناالشرح بالعربى وشكرا
تقبل مرورى

hanane hanane
06-08-2017, 21:02
مشكور يا معلم ونتمنى لك التوفيق والتقدم
والمزيد من هذه الطروحات الرائعة والمميزة
في مجال الفوركس والتي سيستفيد منها
جميع المبتدئين في هذا المنتدى .