View Full Version : What Is the Balance of Payments?

05-28-2017, 23:37
The balance of payments account
is divided into two parts: the current account and the ******* account.
The current account measures trade in tangible, visible items such
as cars and manufactured goods; the surplus or deficit between exports
and imports is called the trade balance. The ******* account measures flows
of money, such as investments for stocks or bonds. Balance of payments
data can be found on the web site of the Bureau of Economic Analysis

05-30-2017, 00:36
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
اعتقد انه من المخالف طرح مواضيع بالغة الانجليزيه
بالتوفيق لك وللجميع وتقبل مروري اخي الكريم