View Full Version : Five simple ways to get rid of domestic flies

06-20-2020, 04:34
Annoying is domestic flies at this time of the year although it is often not a major risk. And it is precisely at this time of the year that scenes of those chasing a folded newspaper are repeated, perhaps a fly that crept into the room to disturb its residents. Some may resort to pesticides, but they are not without risks to human health, especially young children, not to mention the procedures for isolating the room before spraying the pesticide.

شركة مكافحة حشرات (https://tasropat-khaleeg.com/category/%d8%b4%d8%b1%d9%83%d8%a9-%d9%85%d9%83%d8%a7%d9%81%d8%ad%d8%a9-%d8%ad%d8%b4%d8%b1%d8%a7%d8%aa/)

Do you want to get rid of annoying house flies without going after the folded newspaper or pesticide? It's simple, as there are many ways to get rid of flies and their annoying buzz at home.

Strong ventilation and airflow
Home flies naturally like the place without air currents, so you can get rid of it if you expose the house to an air stream and open the window to take it out. But wait! Do not open the windows exposed to sunlight, then it will enter more domestic flies, who like to be in the warm sunny places.

Volatile oils
Some fragrant essential oils can help you get rid of house flies, for example by putting them in an incense burner. Insects do not tolerate some perfumes, which causes them to move away from the place and look for another, and from these volatile oils

Home trap
If all of the previous solutions to eliminate house flies fail, you can get rid of it with an easy trap that you can make with materials that are available in almost every home, but remember that this trap will not expel flies but kill it! And to manufacture it only needs a glass mug or somewhat deep pots, vinegar and sugar and a little utensil cleaner, which will disturb the surface tension of water.

Flies cannot resist vinegar and sugar, which will attract it to the pot as it slides into it and drowns in the deadly mixture. A similar recipe uses honey, water, and dishwasher.

شركات مكافحة الحشرات (https://tasropat-khaleeg.com/)

Prevention is better than cure
And away from the harshness of some solutions, you can work to protect the house from flies by installing nets on the windows and not leaving food residues at home during the particularly hot months, wiping the table immediately after eating, getting rid of crumbs of falling food and washing used utensils first-hand. And put the waste in a closed container. And you may be lucky that flies decide to annoy your neighbor instead.

06-25-2020, 23:41
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اشكرك بشدة على هذا الموضوع الرائع ولكني لا اظن ان هنا مكان مناسب لعرض موضوع يخص إبادة الحشرات وباللغة الانجليزية