View Full Version : WoW is everything you would expect in the game

06-22-2020, 05:57
Solo PvE content once you have to level 60 was almost moot and Battlegrounds were an unbalanced mess. I only had some classic wow gold (https://www.mywowgold.com/Wow-classic-Gold.html) some enjoyment through the weekly raids with my guild, but came at the cost of all the boring gold grinding required to pay for the raid consumables (all heavily inflated by a lot of botters) just to see myself not getting loot for more than a week due to raidlocks, bad RNG or a limited amount of gear needing to be dispersed among many WOW players. In the end I realized I had been paying a monthly subscription simply to gain some satisfaction two or three days a month, so not worthwhile at all.

Hey I have been wanting to enter a morphing recently. One of Mat pat's video on WoW it was similar to this quarantine leaves me thinking about playing with WOW Classic. The last time I played WoW was like 8 decades ago and I dont recall fondly about WOW Classic because I didnt play that much of it.

The reasons that people like it will be the same reasons like it. There is not any QoL. You will spend countless hours trying to form classes to run content, and you may wind up with a bunch of people that don't have any clue what they are doing and wipe constantly, then do it all over again. You may spend about 25 percent of your game time walking back to your own physique. The combat is simplistic. It is exceptionally slow at the beginning, and won't pick up for quite a very long time (like leveling, even at low levels, isn't so fast). However, it's still fun, for what it is. There's less match for Blizzard to **** up (BfA...), and if you like the package that is there, you will have fun. It.

Retail WoW is everything you would expect in the game. QoL out the buttocks. Tons of random crap to collect. But, it's riddled with design decisions that make it a job at times. It's not an adventure, like WOW Classic is. Instead, it's a game where achievement boils down to beating endgame content (mostly), so the entire goal is getting to endgame fast to begin spamming the latest content. It's, automatically, a much more difficult game, but it can be a bit soulless, especially after you have spent some time in endgame. Depends on what you want. You begin both, and can drop the $15 or anything for a month sub. Place in each and see which one holds you more. If it is possible to get used to the tedium that makes up WOW Classic, it will provide you a more unique experience than Retail.

WOW Classic has been spoiled by the populations boring of cheap classic wow gold (https://www.mywowgold.com/Wow-classic-Gold.html) as hell battleground mentality, the god-forsaken WTB BOOST STOCKS/SM/MARA PST. Buy some gold out of goldsellers and afk to 60. Not saying retail isn't any better in its current state. However, you dont have to suffer the shortage of systems that are desired. WOW Classic is good but too old the player mindset sucks. Depends what you're searching for. Should you mostly care about raiding and the end game afterward retail is a better bet, but for the early game leveling experience I prefer WOW Classic. Leveling in WOW Classic is much more cohesive and feels like a trip through a world, in retail you just blow through the leveling material and rocket to the game.