View Full Version : How to get rid of flies permanently

08-12-2020, 06:13
Flies are a type of flying insect that has wings to fly to fly, and it is a wide insect; As many as 125,000 cases, worldwide, including subarctic, mountainous, and meridian regions, including cause appearances, even if there are different types of them that are large economically

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Natural ways to get rid of flies permanently
Sugar, milk and black pepper To get rid of flies in a natural way, mix a quarter cup of sugar, half a liter of milk and four tablespoons of black pepper, then put the mixture in a bowl on the fire for 10-15 minutes, then pour it into small containers distributed in places where flies are present, where The milk and sugar will attract flies into the bowl, and the black pepper will take over.

Fresh orange peels
Fresh orange peels are characterized by their ability to repel flies by placing them on windows and near the doors of the house, and it should be noted that their effect in repelling flies dries up when they are dry, as they must be replaced with fresh ones.

Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used to get rid of flies, as flies are usually attracted to the smells of fermented things, and it is used by following the following steps:
Heat half a cup or cup of apple cider vinegar in a microwave or skillet. Putting hot vinegar in a glass jar with or without a lid, and if the jar is with a lid, small holes must be made in the lid so that the flies can enter the jar, and a cover can be made of paper by folding it in a conical shape, leaving a small hole at the end. Putting the jar containing hot vinegar in the places where the flies are and leaving it, where the flies will be attracted to the smell of vinegar, and it enters through the holes, and cannot get out. You can follow the following steps: Mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar with half a cup of liquid detergent in a small bowl. Put the container in places where the flies are, then the flies are attracted to the smell of vinegar, and it gets stuck in the detergents.

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Essential oils
Lavender or lavender oil has been used for several centuries as a deterrent to insects, flies do not like the smell of essential oils, especially eucalyptus and lavender oils, and oils can be purchased from stores, or you can use oils found at home, by following the following steps:
Mixing lavender oil with a carrier oil, which is dark in color and does not have a strong smell, so that it does not mask the smell of lavender oil. Leave the oils for 48 hours in a warm place, and shake them periodically. Fill the mixture in a bowl and put it at home, or use a spray bottle to spread the scent at home.

One of the natural ways to get rid of flies is to use camphor, which is a strong-smelling tablet that can be bought in stores or over the Internet that plays its role in repelling flies because of their annoying smell to them, and they are placed on a hot surface under open windows to allow the smell to spread throughout the house.

Other ways to get rid of flies in the home
People are bothered by flies, whether they are at home, or when they go on a picnic, especially in the summer. Where flies spread widely, disturbing individuals with its buzzing sound, in addition to the possibility of transmitting it to various diseases; Therefore, getting rid of it and preventing it from approaching the house becomes one of the greatest burdens that fall on a person’s shoulders, and in what comes are some of the methods that can be used to get rid of it.

Infusing clove sticks in citrus fruits, such as lemon or orange, and then placing the whole fruit in open places, as the fruit can be cut and planted in it, and then put in open places as well; This is to leak the largest amount of the pungent smell that flies hate, and consider it a threat to them.

شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالخبر (https://tasropat-khaleeg.com/%d8%b4%d8%b1%d9%83%d8%a9-%d9%85%d9%83%d8%a7%d9%81%d8%ad%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%86%d9%85%d9%84-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a7%d8%a8%d9%8a%d8%b6-%d8%a8%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ae%d8%a8%d8%b1/)

Use of essential oils. As the flies hate the smell of some essential oils, such as: eucalyptus oil and lavender oil, which has been used extensively since ancient times. To repel insects, as was put in the places where clothes were stored; To prevent moths from approaching them. The use of the basil plant, and other types of herbs, such as: mint, bay leaf, or lavender; As these types have anti-bacterial properties, and various viruses, as well as create a healthy environment in the home, and it is preferable to place them near windows or open doors. Using fresh orange peel. As orange peel has a great ability to repel insects, as it is possible to rub surfaces with fresh orange peel from every period to another; To spread its scent, and thus the flight of flies from the place, orange peels should be spread in open places, such as: windows or doors, and replaced if it dries up. Deceiving the fly by using plastic bags filled with water, and hanging them outside windows or doors, and this trick is one of the most successful ways to repel flies; This is due to the presence of the compound and developed eyes of the flies, which enable them to discover the patterns of light and movement, so they flee; Because of the reflection of light caused by the water bag everywhere around it; Which causes great confusion to the fly; So she turns away from the place. Electric stun device: The electric stun device is used to get rid of flies, as it consists of long tubes that attract flies, then electrocute them and kill them, and it can be used in various places such as homes, shops and restaurants.

Insecticides: One of the ways to get rid of flies is the use of insecticides, where you spray surfaces and places where flies are present with the insecticide in a sufficient amount to get rid of it and kill it. By making suitable traps, including:
The Venus Fly Trap, which is a sales trap for flies, can be bought and placed anywhere inside or outside the home, as well as adding an aesthetic appearance to it. Trap of special adhesive tape for catching flies, which can be bought from stores specialized in controlling insects, and it can also be made at home, by bringing a brown paper and cutting it into longitudinal pieces such as the adhesive tape, then mixing a golden square with a cup of syrup. With a quarter cup of sugar, then the brown strips are punched in its upper area, and a thread is inserted into them. This is to make a ring, and then paint it with the resulting sugar mixture, and to hang the strips anywhere in the house or outside. To attract flies to him, and to prevent him from going to other places in the house.