اخى الكريم على الرغم ان انا لا افضل المتاجرة يوم الجمعة
ولكن سعات اتاجر على حزر وصفقات فصيرة المدى
بمعنى اخطف واجرى
وان شاء الله ربنا يوفقنا جميعا
اخى الكريم على الرغم ان انا لا افضل المتاجرة يوم الجمعة
ولكن سعات اتاجر على حزر وصفقات فصيرة المدى
بمعنى اخطف واجرى
وان شاء الله ربنا يوفقنا جميعا
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
بصراحه مش بتتداول يوم الجمعه
لانى بعتبر ان يوم الجمعه هو يوم الاحازه من الفوركس بعد اسبوع من التعب
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
حتى الآن لا استطيع ان احكم الا حسب ظروفى ، هل تدفعنى للمتاجره والمخاطره بهذا اليوم !
ام سأستطيع الصبر لبضع ساعات
أستغفر الله الذى لا اله الا هو الحى القيوم واتوب اليه
يوم الجمعه انا افضل المتاجره به صباحا فقط
مع افتتاح السوق الاوربى
وبصفقات صغيره
وذلك بسبب تذبذب السوق فى هذا اليوم
اما مساء الجمعه ف بيكون السعر يعتبر ثابت
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
يوم الجمعة يوم صعب المتاجرة فيه لانه يوم معروف انه يوم مرجن عالم يعني هتعيش ف مخاطر فيه بسبب كد مينفعش انك تدخل ف ذالك عشان كد بنصح انك تحول الابتاعد عن ذالك اليوم
لانه بيمرجن حسابات شركات كبري فما بلكم بنا
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
احيانا اتاجر في يوم الجمعة لكن هذا اليوم يعتبر خطير
لكن عندما تتواجد الفرص الجيدة فلا افوتها
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
مرات ليس كثيرا
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
لا احب المضاربه يوم الجمعه يوم اغلاق السوق ويوم الاحد يوم افتتاح السوق لا السوق يكون متذذبذب
مع تحياتى .....
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اهلا أخوانى
يوم الجمعه ان كان اخر الشهر بيكون فيه تقلبات كثيره جدا ويجب ان نتجنب اليوم دا لانى خسرت فيه كتير قبل كده
الله أسأل لكم التوفيق جميعا
Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.