Most farmers annually face problems of the type of losses in the crop and the lack of production, and the main cause of all this chaos and its dependencies are insects; This confirms the importance of exterminating insects in agricultural fields, because it is not right to see the fruits being destroyed before we benefit from them, and our green farms are destroyed before our eyes without moving one step towards saving our food and the food of our children.

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The extent of the effect of insects on agricultural crops
When a farmer searches for a way to annihilate insects in agricultural fields, he does not incur this effort out of the blue; Rather, he is fully aware of the effect of insects on the crop, and the consequences that will befall him that he should wait a lot and do not take any immediate action to protect his crop.

Most insects hunt the fruits of the plant, as they completely damage the interior and cause it to fall from the leafy part of the plant before it ripens; To become without interest or value

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There are other insects that work to destroy the leaves so that the plant as a whole dies after it becomes unable to do photosynthesis, and there are others that attack the vegetative part of the plant with a force that causes damage to the stem and roots.

And the seeds have not escaped this unfair battle of the plant. The list was not without the types of insects that feed on the sap of seeds to lose their value and become unable to grow

The paths are multiple in front of insects, and every time they succeed in destroying the plant, whatever the method of attack followed; Therefore, insects should be exterminated in agricultural fields as quickly as possible

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How to avoid the destructive effect of insects on agricultural crops ?
The only solution to avoid damaging the fruits and seeds is for the insects to be wiped out in the agricultural fields as soon as their signs appear until they are eliminated before they multiply and complete their life cycle and spread the whole land to destroy everything that is green with them, and then there will be no benefit from controlling them as long as the crop Has been damaged

In spite of this, it is desirable that this step be taken in advance of the emergence of insects so that we can fully prevent its evil and protect our farms from damage; That is why we prefer that the agricultural land be sprayed with appropriate serums before the insects cannot approach the plants in their presence. This is the most appropriate method used globally to control insects in agricultural fields

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Specifications of pesticides used in agricultural fields
Although there are many powerful insecticides that can shamefully defeat insects, not all of them are suitable for use in agricultural fields; Because the higher percentage of these pesticides are harmful to the plant as it is harmful to the insect, and then the farmer does not benefit anything, but rather he lost the crop with his own hands; Such pesticides and harmful sera will change the taste and size of the fruits, and they will lose a lot of their nutritional value, but this will be very harmful to humans when eating them; In most cases, spraying agricultural fields with harmful sera causes the conversion of fruits from human food to a source of cancerous tumors.

Therefore, if we want to annihilate the insects in the agricultural fields, it is better to seek the help of specialists first to choose the sera and pesticides that, despite their strength on the insect, but they do not create a series of severe consequences for the crop like other pesticides.

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Such safe pesticides are internationally authorized and pre-tested to ensure that they are suitable for controlling insects with fetuses and fields. They kill insects, but they are not implemented inside the fruits.