- Pest control in food establishments requires two main measures:

1- Preventive methods by following environmental health conditions and in food establishments in order to limit their spread as a preventive measure.

2- Eliminating it by one of the methods of extermination in the event of its exacerbation and insufficient methods of prevention.

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1- Preventive methods:

The following are some health measures that can limit its spread:

A- Get rid of waste first-hand and in a way that does not allow insects an opportunity to reproduce, and then spread.

B - get rid of stagnant water and everything that would work to harbor insects.

C- As for buildings, it must be taken into account when designing that they are isolated from the outside atmosphere, and that comes by putting self-locking doors, and the outer doors should be double, and the entrances of the building are provided with air curtains, and the other openings are provided with a wire that does not allow the passage of insects, especially ventilation holes Ventilation vents. The installations from inside must also be built in a way that does not allow them to take shelter, as they should be free from narrow corners, cracks, cracks, and neglected places.

W- Equipment must be designed inside the building and installed in a way that is easy to clean, in order not to be a shelter for insects, and this was previously detailed in Chapter Three.

A- Toilets and drainage sites can be a good shelter for insects, and therefore it is necessary to take care of their hygiene and ensure that they are established in a correct way.

2- Extermination methods:

No matter how good the preventive measures are, the entry of insects into food establishments is a very likely occurrence. Therefore, we must often resort to eliminating insects inside these establishments in many ways.

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A- Manual methods:

These methods are not practical, as insects are manually eliminated and this is neither a healthy nor a practical method.

B- Electrocution:

These are devices that use a high voltage and a source of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, as some insects attract them by this light to the electrocuter which destroys them. In order to perform the required purpose, the following is required:

- Test the appropriate place, i.e., be in a place that works to attract insects from inside the facility and not from outside.

- The UV lamp must be checked periodically because it loses its effectiveness over time.

That the detonator base be cleaned regularly so that it does not shelter other crawling insects such as beetles.

H*- Use Insecticides:

Often it is needed to resist insects in food establishments, as the previous methods are usually not sufficient alone. Usually a program of resistance is followed using these pesticides, which are divided according to their effect into:

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Poisons toxic materials:
These are substances that cause the insect to die when it is ingested with its food or when it comes into contact with it, such as arsenic, nicotine and methyl bromide gas.

Repellents Repellant:
They are the compounds that are used to keep away insects because of their taste, smell, or repellent color and not desirable for the insect. It is often specialized, and is usually used to repel insects such as mosquitoes, where citronella oil, turpentine and camphor are used to repel mosquitoes by fat the human body with these substances. Examples include naphthalene (fools) used against mites, and tar against termites.
Attractants: Unlike its predecessor, it attracts insects to it, and it is paired with other means of hunting or eliminating the insect.

Also, insecticides are divided according to the method of use into:

Dusts fogging powders: They are used on dry condition by special fogging devices, and these are not used in food establishments, but are used on farms.

Sprays: Fluid solutions or emulsions such as nicotine in water and organic substances insoluble in water.

Fumigants: By using the material in a gaseous form, it is usually used in places that can be closed tightly, such as storerooms, ships, greenhouses and silos. The fumigation materials are ideal for resisting pests of grains and stored food - such as dates - because of their high ability to penetrate to reach the hidden insect even inside the fruit, such as methyl bromide gas.

Granules: similar to fogging and vary in grain size.

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- Aerosols: It is similar to the process of fumigation, but the substance may be in the form of a solid or liquid that remains in the form of a suspension in the air, and is widely used to resist domestic flying pests. Its use in food establishments is limited to areas where there are no foods or when the place is cleared of food with Cover the surfaces that come in contact with food.

Poisonous baits: using pesticide mixed with the insect's favorite food such as bran for locust resistance or glycemic solutions for flies.
Pesticide toxicity and safety precautions:
Pesticides differ among themselves in terms of their toxicity to humans and range from very toxic to less toxic

To avoid poisoning with pesticides, the following should be observed:

1- Taking into account storage principles, including the following:
(A) Not using packaging used for pesticides to store food.
(B) Storing pesticides away from foodstuffs.
(C) Put warning signs on pesticide packages, especially those similar to some food packages, such as starch, sugar, salt and baking soda.
(D) Ensure that no bottles originally used for water and food are used to preserve pesticides.

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2- Observe the instructions written on the package, which often include the following:
(A) The severity of the pesticide to humans and other organisms.
(B) the method of use.
(C) Precautions to be followed during use.
(D) The residual effect of the pesticide on the environment.
(E) The period that must elapse after treating fruits and vegetables with pesticides before eating them.