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Thread: الى اى مدى تستطيع تحمل الخسارة بدون غلق الصفقة ؟؟؟

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  1. #11 Collapse post
    RomanyMoreed is offline
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    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

    والله ده بيعتمد علي حجم رأس المال الخاص بك لو الصفقة عكست عليك كتير وانت عارف ان السعر هيرجع يصحح من تاني يبقي تسيبها مفتوحه

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  2. #12 Collapse post
    fido is offline
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    This post was written as part of the payout program for content, in which anyone can participate and earn through their authoring talent.
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    جزاك الله خيرا أخي و أحسن الله اليك
    تقبل الله منك صالح آلاعمال

    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................
    بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

    الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي أَنْزَلَ عَلَى عَبْدِهِ الْكِتَابَ وَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ عِوَجًا (1) قَيِّمًا لِيُنْذِرَ بَأْسًا شَدِيدًا مِنْ لَدُنْهُ وَيُبَشِّرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ الَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ الصَّالِحَاتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ أَجْرًا حَسَنًا (2) مَاكِثِينَ فِيهِ أَبَدًا (3) وَيُنْذِرَ الَّذِينَ قَالُوا اتَّخَذَ اللَّهُ وَلَدًا (4) مَا لَهُمْ بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ وَلَا لِآبَائِهِمْ كَبُرَتْ كَلِمَةً تَخْرُجُ مِنْ أَفْوَاهِهِمْ إِنْ يَقُولُونَ إِلَّا كَذِبًا (5)

  3. #13 Collapse post
    gimli911 is offline
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    This post was written as part of the payout program for content, in which anyone can participate and earn through their authoring talent.
    بســـــــــــــــــــــم الله الرحمن الرحيم و الصلاة و السلام على اشرف المرسلين اختر التوقيت المناسب ولا تتسرع ا لكي لا تخصر وبارك الله فيك

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  4. #14 Collapse post
    MohamedEmam7 is offline
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    This post was written as part of the payout program for content, in which anyone can participate and earn through their authoring talent.
    رأيي المتواضع ان اي تجارة بدون استوب لوز هو تجارة في قمة الخطورة بل ربما بلغت اكثر من القمة لان هذا سوف يؤدي
    الى مرجنة الحساب في يوم من الايام و انا لا اتعامل في اي صفقة بدون استوب لوس و تيك بروفيت و اذا وصل السعر الى
    الستوب لوس احمد الله و اقول انه سوف يعوضني في صفقات اخرى ان شاء الله

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  5. #15 Collapse post
    chemsseddine is offline
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    This post was written as part of the payout program for content, in which anyone can participate and earn through their authoring talent.
    موضوعك حساس جدا اخي الكريم لدرجة انه السبب الاول والاساسي لخسارتي الشديدة في الفوركس قبل البدأ في اي صفقة عليك تحديد الخسارة مهمة جداا جداا حتي لو ربحت اليوم وغدا وبعد غد او حتي عام كامل سيأتي اليوم الدي يتصفر فيه رصيدك لدا من المهم جدا تحديد الخسارة وادا خسرت تغلق الصفقة اتوماتيكي وماتزعل عليها بل انساها ونطلق في مغامرة جديدة هكدا تضمن الاستمرار في الفوركس والابتعاد عن الطمع وراحة البال وقليل مستمر خير من كثير منقطع وغير مضمون

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  6. #16 Collapse post
    1 million is offline
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    This post was written as part of the payout program for content, in which anyone can participate and earn through their authoring talent.
    مرحبا اخي
    انا كنت سابقا لا اتداول بالستوب لوز و هذا ادى الى خسارتي في العديد من المرات لحسابي
    لانه تمرجن بالكامل وقتما كنت انتظر ان ينعكس الترند

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  7. #17 Collapse post
    ahmedshawky7 is offline
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    This post was written as part of the payout program for content, in which anyone can participate and earn through their authoring talent.
    عن تجربتى الشخصيه لو انت لسه بتبدا حاول تعمل حدود للصفقات ويكون حد الخساره فيها مش كبير وفى اسهم بيكون معدل انخفاضها مهما نزلت قليل وفى اسهم وعن تجربتى الشخصيه زى dax معدل ارتفاعه وانخفاضه فظيع معايا انا زاد 100 يورو فى يوم ومعايا برده نزل 300 يورو فى يوم

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  8. #18 Collapse post
    bigboy is offline
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    This post was written as part of the payout program for content, in which anyone can participate and earn through their authoring talent.
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    بنسبة لك أخي أنا أنصحك بإختيار الوقت المناسب لفتح الصفقة وأنصحك بإستعمل stop loos كي لتخسر الكثير

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  9. #19 Collapse post
    nahedmilad is offline
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    This post was written as part of the payout program for content, in which anyone can participate and earn through their authoring talent.
    من المفترض أنك لو دخلت صفقة والسعر عكس عليك لازم تقفل الصفقة لكن الكثير منا لا يغلق الصفقة ويتركها وقد تتسبب في مرجنة حسابه بالكامل
    اتمني ان تكون فهمتك وجهة نظري والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  10. #20 Collapse post
    محمد السيد محمد is offline
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    This post was written as part of the payout program for content, in which anyone can participate and earn through their authoring talent.
    الكلام ده ان دل على شئ فانما يدل على انك لا تتخذ خطة دفاعية ضد انعكاس السعر
    وهذا خطا شنيع .. ان استراجيتك ينقصها درع الامان .. وعلى كل حال لوكاد الحساب يتصفر
    بصفره .. اما لو تبقى نصفة باغلق الصفقة

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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